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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Drobo Pro Issues: Drobo Dashboard Service Issue

I've encountered a new issue today.  I booted up my computer as normal, and the Drobo Dashboard appeared to have loaded as normal, but when I went to switch my Drobo from USB 2.0 to iSCSI, nothing happened.  I immediately double-clicked the Drobo icon in the taskbar/system tray, and that's when I got the following message:

Title of Messagebox: Drobo Dashboard Service
Error Message: A required portion of Drobo Dashboard is no longer running. Please relaunch Drobo Dashboard to correct the issue. If this problem persists, then re-install Drobo Dashboard. You can get the latest Drobo Dashboard at drobo.com/support

(See image below)

1. First I tried to close the Dashboard, and then reopen it.  Result, I got the same error message.

2. I shut Drobo down, and rebooted my personal computer, and then tried again.  Same error message.

3. I went to http://drobo.com/support as instructed by the error message, and went to the download page.
i. I downloaded the latest copy of the dashboard.
ii. I ran the .exe file, and attempted to re-install it, but the only options were to repair or remove.  So, I chose to repair it.  It started progressing in repairing the software, but then it ran into a problem with the Drobo Dashboard Service, it was unable to start it back up after it stopped the service.
iii. I had to cancel the 'Repair', and from there the installer rolled back the changes.
iv. Now what?

4. Checked to see the status of the Drobo Dashboard Service via the Services windows module (which you can access via Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
i. I found the service under the same name "Drobo Dashboard Service".
ii. I right-clicked it and viewed it's properties, and saw that it's start up type was 'Disabled', which is weird.  It should be set to automatic.
iii. I attempted to start it up by setting the 'Startup type' to 'Automatic', after which I was going to click 'Apply', and then click the 'Start' button, but when I went to click 'Apply' button after setting it to 'Automatic' there was a warning box which said that the Windows Service was marked for deletion. This prevented me from making any changes whatsoever.
iv. Now what?

5. I decided that I would try uninstalling the 'Drobo Dashboard', and then reinstall it.  So,
i. I rebooted my computer to clear out anything left from my previous attempt to repair the software.
ii. When my computer finished booting, I uninstalled the 'Drobo Dashboard' by going into 'Start > Control Panel > Features and Programs > Click 'Drobo Dashboard'' and then clicking 'Uninstall'.  I allowed it to finish.
iii. Then rebooted my computer again before reinstalling the 'Dashboard' from the setup .exe file that I downloaded.  (i.e. it was saved to my downloads folder with the name: drobodashboardinstaller_2.1.2.exe).  I allowed the computer to complete the installation
iv. Then I opened 'Drobo Dashboard'.  Since my device was on iSCSI, I had to reset the 'Discover Settings' so that it would look at a manual IP address which I specified, and not use 'Automatic Discovery'.
v. After setting this up, I waited, and waited, and waited for Drobo to be discovered for about 3-5 minutes, but it never was discovered.
vi. Okay, now what's wrong?

6. I tried to shutdown Drobo, and reboot my computer.  It didn't work, Drobo was not being initiated, it kept going into 'Standby' after I powered it up, and it completed it's boot process.

Solution Found
7. I decided to check the 'iSCSI Initiator' module, and saw in the main tab (Targets tab) that it was showing the status of Disconnected.  I thought, that's weird, and so I clicked 'Connect'.  It worked!  Right away, my computer mounted the drives, and I saw my Drobo appear in the 'Drobo Dashboard'.

It's odd to me that 'Drobo Dashboard' wasn't able to initiate the 'Connect' command when it was opened after the installation.

How to Open iSCSI Initiator
Again, to get to the iSCSI Initiator go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > iSCSI Initiator.

When you see this error message, it's best to uninstall 'Drobo Dashboard', and 'Reinstall' it.  If you are using iSCSI like I am, and your Drobo does not mount, make sure to open the 'iSCSI Initiator', select Drobo from the targets listing, and click the 'Connect' button to connect your computer to Drobo.

Revised Conclusion
When you see this error message, it's best to 
1. Stop 'Drobo Dashboard' Service
2. Quit out of the 'Drobo Dashboard' application running in your task bar (system tray)
3. Open 'iSCSI Initiator Properties', check to see if it has disconnected, if not disconnect
4. Start 'Drobo Dashboard' Service
5. Start 'Drobo Dashboard' application
6. In 'iSCSI Initiator Properties', make sure the entry for Drobo under the 'Targets' tab shows a 'Status' of 'Connected', if not, click the 'Connected' button
* the entry for mine says:
- I'm not sure if that is private info, so I've typed in # signs where the numbers are



    Your "Revised Conclusion" got my dashboard back up and going as advertised!!!

    1. You're welcome! Thank you for providing feedback! I really enjoy hearing about how my articles have helped others like yourself. Take care!
