Welcome to My Blog!

Thank you for visiting my Blog! I created this blog to help people. My intentions are to share solutions I've found to problems in hopes it would save others time, and from headaches :0). I'm also going to share other interesting things I find in my home life, and work life. I hope you find what I've shared to be interesting. Enjoy your visit!

Sunday, November 1, 2020


Thank you for visiting!  DieusPrograms.com is a new company that we are starting with the hopes of it growing into a self sustaining company. We are a company focused on building useful mobile apps for Android and IOS phones. 

We decided to not pay for webhosting, and instead use our blog to post information about our company, helpful hints, how-Tos, FAQs, etc. to support our users, and customers.

If you have any questions, please let us know by sending your questions and comments to:


We look forward to hearing from you!

Have a great day!
